About Auditions
The FMBallet wants to give everyone the opportunity to be a part of a ballet production. Whether it is as a company member or a young 6 year old or a 68 year who misses dancing on the stage, we have many opportunities for you.
Scroll down to see the audition information for company and productions. Click the button below for upcoming audition and events.
Company Auditions 2024 / 2025
The FMBallet company is open to dancers age 14 - Adults. Dancers should be at an advance, pre-professional or professional level of dance.
The company focuses on the following dance styles; ballet, pointe, classic jazz and contemporary. You do not have to have trained in all styles to audition or be in the company.
Company class / rehearsal is mandatory. For our 2024-2025 Season Company class / rehearsal will take place as follows:
Wednesdays 7:00pm - 9:30pm
Sundays 12:00pm - 1:00pm
Additional rehearsal time scheduled throughout the week.
The Company will also have the opportunity to perform at events, TV appearances, and residencies in the Fargo-Moorhead area and region.
Auditions will take place Wednesday, July 31, 2024 at 7:00pm

Second Company 2024 / 2025
New to our 2024-2025 Season, we welcome our Second Company. Second Company members will have a Second Company class / rehearsal weekly and invited to the FMBallet company Sunday Company Class.
2024 - 2025 Auditions
Audition Friday, August 16, 2024
Can't attend the audition, but interested in auditioning? Contact Artistic Director, Matt Gasper at matt@fmballet.org to schedule a time.
Second Company Information
Auditions are open to ages 10 - 19
Weekly required class / rehearsal
Fridays 5pm - 6:30pm (Gasper's School of Dance Downtown Studio)​
Sundays 12pm - 1pm (Gasper's School of Dance Downtown Studio)
Cost: $900 (for the season - August 30, 2024 - May 16, 2025)
Second Company dancers will participate in all FMBallet productions.
Must be enrolled in (2) Ballet classes and (1) pre-pointe or pointe class (females) to maintain your position in Second Company.
Commitment to your required classes, company class, FMBallet productions, and additional in-town performances and appearances.

Production Auditions
FMBallet has two major productions each season and we have open auditions for these shows. All dance levels invited to audition. Must be at least 6 years of age. Adults are welcomed, too.
We truly believe in a mentorship program where young dancers share the stage and train next to our company members. Many of our company members started out as a small mouse in Nutcracker. It is fun to see the development and growth in these young dancers from production to production.
There is no cost to participate or audition. We ask families and individuals to help behind the scenes, front of house, with costumes, ticket sales, and promotions. Financial requirements are tights and shoes (depending on the production), and typically items you already own.

Our ONLINE AUDITION FORM must be filled out completely to be considered.
Headshot must be attached (requirements on Audition Forms).
Arrive no later than 5 minutes prior to the audition.
Check in at the door.
Do not be late, late arrivals may be turned away.
Parking is street parking (or use the lot behind the studio after 4pm on weekdays; anytime on weekends).
All movers and dancers welcome, age 6-Adult for our production auditions.
Wear attire you can dance in.
Dance shoes or socks allowed. No street shoes.